Workplace Drug Policy Services
A written Drug-Free Workplace policy is the foundation of a drug-free workplace program. Each company's written policy should be unique and tailored to meet its specific needs. It is important to note that all effective policies have a few aspects in common.
- First, a policy should clearly state why the policy is being implemented. The rationale can be as simple as a company being committed to protecting the safety, health, and well being of its employees and patrons. Also recognizing that abuse of alcohol and other drugs compromises this dedication.
- Second, an effective policy should clearly outline behaviors that are prohibited. At a minimum, this should include a statement that the "use, possession, transfer, or sale of illegal drugs or controlled substances by employees is prohibited."
- The third fundamental element is a thorough explanation of the consequences for violating the policy. Consequences may include discipline up to and including termination and/or referral for assistance. Consequences should be consistent with other existing personnel policies and procedures and any applicable state laws. Employers should also note that sharing their policy with all employees is essential, and many businesses find it helpful to ask for feedback from employees during the initial policy development stage.
To have an attorney draft a customized drug policy, that meets all state and federal guidelines, could cost thousands of dollars. To update that policy every year would add additional cost, time, and burden to a small company.
Substance Abuse Policy Development
Secure Results can provide you with a clearly written policy on Substance Abuse that can be customized for your company. Policies must be consistent with local, state and federal law. Secure Results will help you be better prepared for any legal review before publishing to your employee population. Even if you are covered by DOT Regulations, you MUST have a Policy in place in order test employees in safety-sensitive positions to be compliant with the federal regulations.